
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

David Beckham thanks his 20 million Facebook fans

David Beckham thanks his 20 million Facebook fans by posting a sexy pic
Okay, we admit there isn’t really a lot of news going on within this post – but we did think you lot might appreciate a nice big picture of David Beckham. So here it is - and you are very welcome.
Becks posted this tasty little shot of him holding a hand-drawn ‘Thank you’ sign earlier today on his Facebook page. He was obviously ever-so happy at the fact that his fan page had reached 20 million followers. An impressive number by any celebrity standards.
We’re obviously one of those 20 million too, so naturally when this picture popped up on our newsfeed, we stopped for a moment to imagine that David posted it especially for us (in our dreams, we know).
Anyway, the man’s gratitude didn’t go unnoticed. The picture got over 200,000 likes and almost 5,000 comments. We assume most of those comments were complimenting that muscley arm that he’s using to hold the camera. Look at it. Just, look at it.
So along with some traditional Tuesday man-watching, we wanted to share this picture with you because it always makes us happy to see super-famous folk being all lovely to their fans, especially through social networking sites.
So, here’s a bit of Beckham for you to enjoy, heatworlders. Sit back, gawp, have a cup of tea while you do it. And if this isn’t enough Becks news for you – take a look at our story from earlier today. It looks like David and Victoria are planning a new addition to their growing brood. Today really is a good Becks day for everyone.

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