
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Victoria Beckham cringes: “I don't really want to talk to my mother about S&M”

Victoria Beckham cringes: “I don't really want to talk to my mother about S&M”
The hype about Fifty Shades Of Grey still isn’t over and now Victoria Beckham has revealed that not only does she read the naughty novels, but she’s got her mum in on the act too. Oh, and she’s already onto the second book.
The trilogy of saucy books, dubbed ‘mummy porn’, has been a hit around the world. But like Posh, we wouldn’t fancy chatting about the ins and outs of it over a cuppa with our parents.
“I'm halfway through the second one. I even bought my mum the book! But every time she tries to engage in conversation about it, I kind of dodge the subject. I don't really want to talk to my mother about S&M”
Who does?

Missing Golden Balls

Victoria_Beckham David Beckham
Vicky and Dave have a right good snuggle
The former Spice Girl revealed that she got the books to keep her company while husband David Beckham was away, but no matter how steamy the pages are the book just can’t compare to getting a cuddle. Saying that, what would compare to getting a cuddle from Becks?
“He phoned me the night before, and I said, ‘I really want you to come be with me. I want a cuddle, I really do’”

Getting in some practice

Beckham family
The Beckham clan minus David
But the 38-year-old could be using the book to get some sexy tips, as it was reported recently thatthe couple are hoping to try for another baby. With a career as a fashion designer and a brood of four already, Victoria’s got her perfectly manicured hands pretty full.
“It’s a juggling act – a career, family, a husband who’s busy. But I’d never say never about another baby”

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