
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Jessica Alba goes back to blonde for Sin City 2

Jessica Alba is renowned for her glossy brunette locks, but she's shown her dedication to acting by dying her hair back to blonde. Jess plays the role of stripper Nancy Callahan in the upcoming sequel to Sin CitySin City 2. Over the Bank Holiday weekend, Jessica unveiled her new tresses and posted these pictures on her Instagram and Twitter documenting the colour change:
@jessicaalba "Bye bye brown hair."
@jessicaalba "Stage 1 --ok it doesn't look that different but it's a process."
@jessicaalba "Stage 2 of #SinCity2 Nancy hair"
@jessicaalba "She got roots that Nancy" #sincity2
Jess went to her trusty hair stylist, Robert Ramos of Estilo Salon in LA (who we can see posing in the background with blonde extensions - hmmm we wonder if that could be the secret to Ms Alba's thick luxurious looking locks?) for the dye job, and seemed relatively happy with the results judging by her poses. Careful Jess, you don't want to get carried away and do a Miley Cyrus...

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