
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Nicole Scherzinger prefers UK X Factor to US!

Nicole Scherzinger prefers UK X Factor to US!
Is Nicole going to get in trouble for her remarks?
As much as we look up to our cooler, bigger American cousins, sometimes it's nice to realise that actually there are a bunch of things that are better over in Blighty.
Chocolates, cups of tea, curries, biscuits, Marmite, crumpets, scones, roast dinners…and that's just the food! (We're also just as good at obesity rates, but with that list above, it's no wonder our standards are slipping!)
So it's nice to know, then, that Nicole Scherzinger thinks us Brits are much better at The X Factorthan the Yanks are!
The judge, who cut her teeth on the first series of The X Factor USA after Cheryl Cole was rather cruelly ousted from the panel, said: "I think it's more fun over here; there's a lot more characters, the talent is really raw and homegrown. It's beautiful, the talent over here. I'm really impressed. I'm blown away."
She also told Radio 1 that there still aren't any feuds at the moment between the judges, and everything's going swimmingly on the panel: "I love all the other judges, I do. I get along really well with them. I'd never met Tulisa but she's such a cool chick."
It may all be lovey-dovey now but we're sure something's gotta give on this panel. And even if they DO all get on, we think Simon Cowell might have to have some words with Nicole.
Even though his shows do get a lot of flack and he lets it breeze over, he probably won't be too happy with Nicole, an employee, dissing the US programme!

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