
Friday, June 22, 2012

Jessie J up for a Katy Perry collaboration; Coldplay NOT up for a Justin Bieber collaboration

We wish we could have a collaboration. Only, if we could, we wouldn't pick pretty pop stars or cute teen boys. We'd pick Kermit the Frog. Have a look at our facebook page, can you see how happy the heat team were to meet Kermy and Pepe the Prawn? Pepe even sang Beyonce's Single Ladies to us *swoon*.
The Voice coach Jessie J has revealed she would like to work with Katy Perry in the future. Just don't ask her to tell you exactly when that will be or what they'll be working on...
The Price Tag singer chatted about the potential upcoming team effort at Capital FM's Summertime Ball saying,
"We hung out a bit. I went round and saw her and we sat in her dressing room for a bit. I definitely think me and Katy one day will work together. I hate saying that, because then it's like 'Jessie J and Katy Perryguarantee to write an album', and it gets exaggerated. But she's an amazing artist and I'm a huge fan. She's always been supportive of my career, so who knows?"
Who knows indeed! But just imagine the music videos if this pair got together...brrrrright!
Over in the not-so-keen-to-collaborate is Coldplay. Chris Martin and his band have decided against working with tween idol Justin Bieber on the basis that they're just too old!
Chatting to The Sun Chris said he'd already crossed one of his fave artists off his want-to-collaborate list,
"Rihanna was top of our list of collaborators, and we've done that. She was lovely — she was cool. We'd work with anyone who wanted to work with us."
Now, you say "anyone" but what do you actually mean Mr Martin?
"But Justin Bieber is too handsome for us. If he wants to do a video with four people who look like his grandparents then we should be in it. But we've got to look good — we'd just look terrible next to that guy. He's good-looking and has an amazing complexion."
So no Bieber-Coldplay performances in the future because he's just too darn fit? Oh Chris, we think you might need to go to Specsavers, mate. You're not exactly ugly. In fact we'd go as far as saying you are rather hawt yourself!

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