
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Madonna takes "sterilisation team" on tour

Madonna takes
She's infamous for keeping things frosty and seeming cold and distant - that's what makes her the Queen of pop! But Madonna's being kind of paranoid when it comes to her latest tour demand.
The Girl Gone Wild singer has stepped up her security to the point where a sterilisation team cleans away traces of all of her DNA (or should that be 'MDNA'?) after she leaves a dressing room.
According to The Mirror, she's demanded that only her and her entourage are allowed backstage and also that no-one can even look at her dressing room once it's ready for her!
Promoter Alvaro Ramos, who is helping out as Madonna tours Portugal, said: "We have to take extreme care."
"In the end it is all to protect her and make her comfortable. I do understand it but it is taken to extremeness." More extremeness comes in the shape of the singer getting her entourage to build each changing room she uses so they can check for any hidden cameras.
It's pretty out of character for Madonna - the last thing we heard of her, she didn't mind who saw what of her, flashing not only her nipple on stage in Istanbul, and her bum in Rome!
We wonder what type of DNA Madonna's most worried about superfans getting hold of. What would be worth the most? A vial of Madonna's wee? A little scoop of her poo? A t-shirt soaked in her sweat? Maybe a tampon that's been lying around? Who knows!?

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