
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Steam Punk Fashion

Steam punk fashion basically involves really drastic hairdos. You can dye your hair blood read with diagonal bangs, wear a red lipstick over a fitted taffeta black dress and a tweed bolero jacket to create and aura of fashion with punk.You can braid your hair with weave braids burnt at the ends with some braids dyed pink, green or blue. Wear this steam punk fashion hairdo over a faded denim long coat, shirt and pants to create the image of Frankenstein style.

If you want to look like a Victorian woman with a modern touch, you can wear a halter neck crepe silk gown with lots of skirt around you. The neckline shows a good deal of flesh around your cleavage to create a sexy aura. This hairdo involves intricately braided hair with a black day hat worn over this hairdo. Wear long boots in the same colour underneath the dress to get the desired effect.

For women who wore fond of the age of corsets a stream punk fashion attire would be to wear a corset made of tweed leather in dirty brown. The laces of this corset are shocking pink giving your figure the perfect hourglass shape that is simply irresistible. Wear your hair in a chignon at your nape over this steam punk fashion attire and look like the classic medieval belle but with sexy modern tinge.Wear a white ruffled cotton shirt over a plaited black mini skirt that comes up to your waist line to recreate the effect of fifties era. You can adorn your hair with a huge white bow on your forehead. This steam punk fashion attire makes you look youthful and becoming.
steam punk fashion

Wear a leather knee length dress under a tail coat dress made of the same material. A lopsided sun hat in the same color with smoky eyes gives u an exotic and gothic look at the same time. The dress has a diagonal neckline with woolen lining peeking from the inside. The rest of the make-up relevant to this hairdo should be pale. Your base should be pale and look should have fawnish-gold colour so that your smoky eye make-up is highlighted beautifully. Try on theses steam punk fashion attires to look cool yet chic at the same time.
steam punk fashionsteam punk fashion

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