
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Kim Kardashian: “I fall in love fast and plan a wedding with every boyfriend”

Kim Kardashian has ‘fessed up to something that we already knew about her – she falls in love fast.
This is the woman who married her soon-to-be ex-husband Kris Humphries less than a year after they started dating. So this is hardly the most shocking revelation ever….
“I’ve always been the type to fall in love fast and, with every boyfriend, I plan out my wedding in my head,” Kim has confessed in the new issue of InStyle.
To be fair to Kim, lots of us plan out our fictional weddings – we just don’t then plan a $10 million Reality TV wedding and then split up after just 72 days.


Kim has also addressed the presence of a Reality TV crew in her marriage, admitting that the cameras actually kept the relationship going long as she didn’t want to end things on screen,
“I feel that the situation would have been the same whether there were cameras present or not.”
Contines the 31-year-old star, “If anything, the process was dragged out, because I didn’t want to end the relationship with the cameras on.”

I believe in love

There’s some good news for Kanye, Kim’s previous disastrous relationship hasn’t put her off falling in love for good,
“I’ve always believed in love,” she says. “I haven’t always been so lucky, but I still do believe in it.”

Charity work

And you know what they say, couple who does charity work together stays together. Ok, no one says that, but Kim and Kanye have given up some of their free time to visit a children’s hospital in LA.
The new(ish) couple chatted to sick kids and hospital staff.
Well that's jolly nice if them, isn't it?

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