
Friday, July 6, 2012

Michael Jackson, Natalie Portman - our favourite parody videos

Last night, the first episode of The Midnight Beast was on TV. They're a fantastic parody band, taking the mickey out of modern pop music. They got us thinking about some of our other favourite parody videos....

This really cute video is from The Flight of the Conchords’ series. The Midnight Beast properly love these guys, and it’s obvious why. In this video, Bret singing to a girl about how much he adores her. The funny touches are added by his mate Jemaine who repeats his simple lyrics in a deep, gruff voice. The video’s not much to look at, unless you’re into really cute beardy types who sing and play guitar (of course you are!). And it totally takes the mickey out of singer-songwriters who can’t just say what they really mean!

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