
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Rihanna's sad tweet as grandmother 'Dolly' passes away

Rihanna's sad tweet as grandmother 'Dolly' passes away
It's a very sad time for singer Rihanna as it was revealed that her beloved grandmother Clara 'Dolly' Brathwaite passed away on Saturday.
The singer has been posting personal photos of herself and her grandma, and tweeted this morning,
'Goodbye #grangranDOLLY get your beauty rest until I see you'
Dolly had battled cancer for months and was being treated in Memorial Sloan - Kettering hospital, Rihannahad been visiting her grandmother then and had previously posted photos of the two spending time together.
Messages came flooding into the star's Twitter feed, all from her fans wanting to offering words of support for the grieving star. Rihanna even re-tweeted just one of the lovely messages,
"A little tribute true and tender. just to show that we remember. time may pass and fade away. but memories of you will always stay. (sic)"
Rihanna performed a set at Sweden's Peace and Love festival just yesterday, but the star's performance was labelled "disgusting and shameful" and "lackluster" as news of her grandmother passing was yet to break. The star reportedly appeared drunk on stage and forgot which city she was in.
We think  Rihanna should be cut some slack at this difficult time, we send all of our best wishes to rhi and her family.

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