
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Lily Cooper pregnant with second child?

Lily Cooper pregnant with second child?
We have more exciting baby news for you heatworld citizens. Just last week we reported that Adele is pregnant, and now reports have just emerged that Lily Cooper, formerly Lily Allen, might be pregnant with her second child, aww!
Lily gave birth to her first child, daughter Ethel May, last November. If reports are to be believed then Ethel May could have a little brother or sister by Christmas-time.
Lily and her husband Sam Cooper are yet to make an official announcement on the reports, but a source has revealed that the former singer couldn't help but spill the news to close friends.
Accordng to the source the pregnancy wasn't planned but the couple are delighted, as they revealed,
"Lily has started telling her friends and everybody in her close circle is so excited for her...It was a surprise but Lily and Sam are thrilled. The pair of them have loved every minute of ­parenthood so far and wanted to expand their brood quickly. So it's great timing."
The source even revealed that Lily is beginning to show, but has been hiding her bump in baggy clothing, as they went on to say,
"Lily was sure people were going to cotton on to the fact she had a pregnancy bump but she seemed to get away with it thanks to wearing very baggy clothing...Her bump has popped out very early – far earlier than the last ­pregnancy. She's been joking she feels six months pregnant already."

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