
Friday, July 27, 2012

Whoops! Jeremy Renner admits accidentally taking Viagra instead of a sleeping pill

Bourne Legacy star Jeremy Renner has admitted accidentally taking Viagra instead of a sleeping pill on a long haul flight recently.
Hey. We’ve all been there…
The 41-year-old actor was on a flight from Los Angeles to London when he took the drug, which is used to combat erectile dysfunction – in case you didn’t know.
We were as surprised as you, Jez.
Jeremy made the embarrassing admission during an interview on Jimmy Kimmel Live!
Talking about his jet-set lifestyle, Jeremy told Jimmy: “A lot of times when I'm on the plane, I have to sleep.
“And I'm not a good sleeper on the plane. I had to fly from London to Los Angeles for dinner, and then get right back on a plane to London.
“That's 10 to 12 hours. I had to get off the plane go to work, so I had to sleep on the plane.”
Jeremy said a friend of his gave him a pill with an ‘A’ on it, which he assumed was the sedative Ambien.
The Avengers star explained: "So I took a little sleeping pill, popped it and realised nothing's happening... but something else was happening!


“I realised very quickly that the 'A' was actually a little 'V' on the pill," he said gesticulating.
"Not only did I not sleep the entire flight, but there was 'camping' happening," the actor joked.
Well that’s a version of the mile high club we've never heard of before...

Jeremy's little friend

Jeremy explains how Viagra works
Lucky for Jeremy he said most of the other passengers were asleep and didn’t notice his little friend who was very much awake.
However, there were a few people in on the joke.
“The flight attendants were sort of in on the joke,” he added.
“They were like, ‘Can we get you anything, Mr. Renner?’”
A little privacy maybe…

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